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Elusive Emotions
Callie Fitch Callie Fitch

Elusive Emotions

We humans tend to struggle with feelings in a variety of ways. Whatever your particular struggle, there are some concrete ways to make peace with these emotions that can at times seem overwhelming, and instead use them for their intended purposes.

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Getting Grounded
Nick Huang Nick Huang

Getting Grounded

Have you ever tried to relax, only to find yourself feeling more stressed or even triggered in the process? If this happens to you, you may want to try grounding instead. Grounding techniques are a bit different from relaxation strategies, in that they are designed to bring your attention to the present moment, especially if you’re stuck thinking of something that happened in the past. If you incorporate an element of something you find spiritually healing as well, grounding can be a powerful way to remind yourself that you’re safe.

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