Grow Your Career With Us

Join Christian Counseling Center San Jose!

At Christian Counseling Center San Jose, we are passionate about training future therapists as they develop solid clinical and practice-building skills. Christian Counseling Center San Jose offers Trainee and Associate positions for those who want to be part of a community of professionals continuing to learn and grow while providing therapeutic service for people seeking help. For students in a graduate program in Counseling Psychology--MFT or LPCC--we offer Trainee positions that help you earn the clinical hours needed for your degree. For post-graduates, and those working toward a PsyD, we offer Associate positions for continued training hours toward licensure.


Supervision and Training

Christian Counseling Center, San Jose is a non-profit and private practice model. We have over two dozen licensed therapists who offer great support for growing therapists. Currently, we have six supervision groups and two overflow groups. Additionally, training is offered during some Wednesday staff meetings and most Fridays at noon.

Employment Opportunities

  • To apply, please send the following documents to or submit a form below. Our hiring coordinator will reach out after contact form has been submitted.

    • Resumé

    • 2 Letters of Recommendation (from professors, pastors, professional network contacts, etc.)

    • For Trainee applicants: unofficial transcript

    We accept applications year-round; however, please note that availability is dependent on current openings.

  • Trainees at CCC San Jose agree to see 5 clients per week. In addition, Trainees must attend a 2-hour group supervision and a 1-hour staff meeting weekly. Individual/triadic supervision is also available if needed. This program provides the required clinical and supervision hours toward graduation and licensing.

  • Associates at CCC San Jose agree to see 10 clients per week and agree to attend a weekly one-hour staff meeting. In accordance with state regulations, Associates must attend a two-hour group supervision for every 10 clients. This is a paid position while hours for licensure are obtained. Income is 30%-50% of client fees and based on experience. For those earning their Doctorate in Psychology, we have Licensed Psychologist for supervision hours.

  • Christian Counseling Center, San Jose offers Licensed Practitioners an affiliation with our center and an opportunity to work with clients in a private practice setting. The Affiliated Licensed Practitioner is encouraged to establish and maintain the practice they desire in a supportive and collaborative community with fellow Christian therapists.