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Father Forgive Me
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing the dice.
The Art of Self-Care
Many of us already have a lot of great ideas about self-care. Maybe you think of bubble baths, comfort food, exercise, meditation, or a glass of wine. While those things are wonderful, they represent a limited view of self-care. Instead of another to do list, self-care can be seen as more like a life philosophy—a life of caring for the whole self.
Getting Grounded
Have you ever tried to relax, only to find yourself feeling more stressed or even triggered in the process? If this happens to you, you may want to try grounding instead. Grounding techniques are a bit different from relaxation strategies, in that they are designed to bring your attention to the present moment, especially if you’re stuck thinking of something that happened in the past. If you incorporate an element of something you find spiritually healing as well, grounding can be a powerful way to remind yourself that you’re safe.